Everything you need to know to have your first aquarium
Do you want to learn how to have a beautiful aquarium with healthy fish? Here you will learn everything about how to set up and maintain your aquarium!
Today’s post is aimed at those who want to build an aquarium but don’t know where to start. “What should I do?”, “Is it too much work?”, “Where do I start?” At first, the questions are varied, so we give 10 tips to tell you when you should know before having your own aquarium.
- Respect uniqueness
Even if you look for an instruction manual with practical and quick tips for setting up the perfect aquarium, it won’t work. This is because, although the tips are useful and necessary, each aquarium is unique. Aspects such as aquarium size and water conditions vary from tank to tank. This is why it is necessary to respect the uniqueness and seek information about the specific needs of the fish of your choice.
- Be careful with the fish
It’s a 2 in 1 tip!
First tip: when buying fish, pour the water into the bag, it is important that this water does not touch the water in the tank, so you don’t know where the water you buy comes from, so always choose a reliable place and take care like Kaur of the health of her fish.
A second tip: When choosing aquarium species, it is necessary to ensure that all species have the same temperature and pH range, as the characteristics of the aquarium will depend on the species of fish that live in it. When choosing ornamental fish, you need to ensure they all have the same temperature and pH range. It is also important for fish to socialize and get along with other species.
- Substrates change everything
The substrate is essential for setting up the aquarium, as it directly affects the water. Having said that, when choosing limestone gravel, it is important to remember that in this case the water in the aquarium will always be mineralized and with an alkaline PH, that is, fish with acidic water cannot be placed in the aquarium. When we choose substrates, we don’t realize what type of ecosystem we are going to replicate.
Oh, and it is important to remember that “substrates” include all other elements that interact chemically in the aquarium environment, such as decorative elements and filtering materials, so it is necessary to carefully select all the elements present in the aquarium.
- Aquarius Enlightenment: The Art of Imitation
Following the same substrate selection logic, we had to adapt the lighting to the system we wanted. The main objective of an aquarium is to reproduce the fish’s natural habitat as closely as possible, so we must compare them with the natural environment we want to reproduce. For example, colorful coral reefs near the sea surface. Obviously this is a sunny environment and in this case our choice was to equip this aquarium with a powerful lighting system.
- Cold or hot?
The appropriate temperature is one that seeks to reproduce the same conditions as the habitat you wish to portray. The goal is always to try to replicate nature. But the question remains: “How do I control the temperature?” As most of the time the biggest question comes down to heating, just keep a heater with a thermostat suitable for the size of the aquarium (generally at a rate of 1 watt per liter). This device will control the temperature and only heats up when necessary and not at other times. For water cooling you can use a cooler with a thermostat that looks like a small air conditioner or use a cooler that is a small fan to cool the aquarium box.
- The Water Comes and Comes: The Movement of Water
In less complex aquariums, a simple circulation pump or small filter is sufficient to reproduce water movement in the fish’s natural habitat. More sophisticated aquariums may require the use of equipment that simulates the movement of waves, but it is worth remembering that everything is a matter of adapting to the environment created. It is important to pay attention to excess decorations and items in the aquarium as they can reduce water flow.
- Aquarium filtration system
The aquarium is a closed system, so everything we put in it stays there, in other words, it is a system that tends to accumulate, so it is important to use the correct filtration system! To maintain the balance of the aquatic system, in addition to the filtration system (mechanical or chemical) in operation, the maintenance of the ecosystem must be complemented by partial water exchange, promoting the renewal of the environment and a healthy and balanced aquarium.
- Fish die through their mouths
Although there is a lot of information online about feeding fish, not all of it is reliable, so be careful when feeding your fish. It is necessary to do prior research on quality feed to ensure the health of your fish, looking for recommended feed with good nutritional value.
- The location of the aquarium
Before purchasing an aquarium, it is important to consider its location. The position needs to be stable and sup carry a lot of weight. Furthermore, it is important that it is kept away from sources of cold or heat, such as windows or kitchen ovens, which can make it difficult to control the temperature. Once you’ve decided on the location, remember: moving an aquarium is not easy, and the installation location will be where it will stay forever.
- Water: Essential Care
Don’t just pour tap water directly, you need to be careful. Whether making a partial change or filling the aquarium for the first time, it is essential to carry out a hydrological test and prepare the water at the appropriate level. One of the most important preparations for tap water is to use an anti-chlorine conditioner, because the chlorine in tap water is toxic to fish.
Now that you know everything about this universe, let’s build yours?!