How to prevent the dog from jumping on people
Does your dog jump on you or another household member when they come home? This behavior is common and shows how much the dog missed its humans while they were away. However, this canine excitement seeking attention is not always welcome, right? In this article, we have gathered some methods to help your dog restrain itself and stop jumping on people.
Avoid punishments!
Let’s be honest, how many times have you scolded your dog when it behaved inappropriately, and later it repeated the same behavior? Dogs jump on people as a form of greeting and to show that they were missed. It’s as if they welcome humans with a warm hug after a lonely day. Therefore, it wouldn’t be fair to act harshly with a pet for simply, in his mind, saying “hello.” Punishing a dog in situations like this can create significant confusion in his mind and lead to relationship problems between humans and pets.
Pushes are seen as play
Those light “pushes” that many people give to the dog when it comes running and jumping can be perceived by the dog as a way for the person to respond to attention or initiate play. So, he continues jumping incessantly to continue the fun.
Arrived home? Ignore the dog
This is an attitude that may seem insensitive and unpleasant, but it is crucial for the dog to understand that excitement does not lead to what he desires most: attention. So, position yourself at the front door so that you don’t fall into the excitement of the furry friend.
We all know it’s challenging to leave the dog “hanging,” but it is necessary for him to understand that attention should not be forced but earned. When he puts his paws on your leg, simply ignore him, pretend he is not there. If this is done consistently, the pet starts to understand that agitation is not the best way to get the attention he wants so much. Oh, and when we say “ignore,” we mean truly ignore. So, no glances, shouts, scolding, laughs, or the like.
Make the dog say “please”
It may sound a bit strange, but dogs, to get attention from their human parents, must learn to say “please.” “But how do dogs ask for please?” Simple, you must make him understand that sitting or just standing still, quiet and calm, is a way of saying “please.” When he behaves as you wish, then it’s time to praise him and give him the much-awaited affection.
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