Can cats see in the dark?
Who hasn’t heard that the eyes are the windows to the soul? Popular myths aside, the truth is, when it comes to cats, their eyes really seem to say a lot about their personalities. After all, much like the cats themselves, cat eyes are endowed with a lot of charm, attitude, and, most importantly, mystery. But do cats really see in the dark?
How is a cat’s vision different from ours?
Research exploring how cats see is ongoing. Today, however, science shows that, although a cat’s eyes are structurally very similar to human eyes, there are some important differences in cat vision.
According to veterinarian Camille Oliveira, the first thing to note is that kitten pupils are not round but slit-shaped. “This way, they close a lot to prevent too much light from entering, which can bother the cats,” she says.
Moreover, you’ve probably noticed that these pets are experts in understanding what’s going on around them, right? This is because a cat’s field of vision is 200 degrees. “It’s 180 degrees more than that of a human being,” concluded Dr. Camila.
Is it true that cats see better at night? Can cats see in total darkness?
As any cat owner knows, cats are nocturnal pets. Additionally, they have an impressive ability to move in the dark, jumping from one place to another with great precision.
This is because, just as cat pupils close tightly during the day, they also open wider in the dark than human pupils, allowing more light to enter, explained Camille.
Not to mention that the feline retina is formed by more rods than cones, which means it absorbs light better than color.
Can cats see colors? What color do they see?
Since we’re talking about color absorption, some people think that cats see in black and white. But according to research, it’s not quite like that! Despite the low number of cones in the retina, it is believed that cats can see blue and yellow, which are the colors of pets! However, they are not as vivid as we see them.
Do cats communicate with their eyes?
For us, a simple look can convey a lot to the interlocutor. But when it comes to cats, the issue has not yet been fully resolved. However, some studies – and some cat owners – suggest that these pets can communicate with their eyes. In this sense, they exemplify that when a cat looks at a caregiver and blinks, it’s a sign of affection and trust. Isn’t that love?
What are the main eye diseases in cats?
Although conjunctivitis is not considered a serious condition, all require immediate attention, and some can even cause vision loss. So, if you notice any changes in your pet’s eyes or behavior, such as redness, discharge, frequent falls, etc., you should take them to the vet immediately.
What can you do to ensure your cat has healthy vision?
For Petz veterinarians, taking care of your cat’s vision begins with a balanced diet using high-quality cat food.
Be careful with potentially dangerous objects at home and try to clean your pet’s eyes regularly with cotton and saline solution. According to experts, this is especially true for cats with more eye secretions, such as Persian cats and Himalayan cats.
Finally, remember that blindness and other eye diseases can also be related to other health conditions, such as diabetes, in vitro fertilization, and FELV. That’s why it’s important to take your pet to the vet at least once a year to detect any changes in the first place!
Now that you know cats can see in the dark, learn to deal with your feline, and stay with us, we’re always posting updated content and the biggest curiosities from Brazil and around the world.