Pug: know everything about the dog breed
If you’re looking for a super canine companion, pugs are a great choice. Affectionate, loves to be hugged, and enjoys being with the family. After all, these wrinkled dogs are eager to please, learn, love, and want to be always around. The Pug is highly recommended for apartment dwellers, especially due to sensitivity to temperature changes and not needing large spaces to expend energy. Intelligent and mischievous, they need an owner who is a leader and gives firm commands. Otherwise, they will take advantage of it!
Made in China
Weight: 6-8kg
Height: 25-30cm
Life expectancy: 13-15 years
Pug: Know everything about this dog breed – History:
The Pug is one of the oldest dog breeds, dating back to the Han Dynasty in China before the advent of Christianity. These dogs belonged to the emperor and lived a life of luxury – with guards and all! Records show that there were three brachycephalic dog breeds bred in China at the time: the Lion Dog (now Japanese hunting dog), the Pekingese, and the Rockie, or “Fu Dog” – the origin of the modern pug. Dogs from Tibet and Japan with this characteristic.
To the credit of Dutch merchants who introduced the breed to the world: first in the Netherlands, then in England, also fell in love with the monarchy and gained the name Pug. In 1800s England, there were two main lineages, one imported from Hungary and Russia, known as Willoughby, with darker fur, a slim body, and thin legs. The other, called Morrison, was lighter, with strong and compact build, more similar to the pug we know today.
Pug: Know everything about this dog breed: Characteristics
Breed color:
Only two pug colors are officially recognized by CBKC (Brazilian Confederation of China): black and fawn or fawn (light beige to dark beige). However, silver, white, chocolate, and even brindle pugs can be found, as well as albino dogs. Ears and muzzle should be black.
In Brazil, this color is usually called apricot or fawn. The difference between the colors is the shade, with apricot being more orange, while fawn is closer to cream. The most common color in dogs of this breed.
Not as common as apricot pugs, the second most common color is black.
White, brown, and brindle pugs
Pugs of other colors, although not recognized by CBKC, are rarer, such as white, brown, and brindle pugs.
Pug temperament
Like the French Bulldog, the Pug originally functioned as a companion dog. This good-natured breed is sociable and loyal: always behind its owner, even when not invited. These characteristics make them unsuitable for being alone for long periods, as they can suffer from separation anxiety.
Pugs require a little patience during the training process, and results will be better and faster if you start training them as puppies. They love to please their owners and are great kissers: they have the habit of licking other animals, family members, belongings, and household items.
Pugs with children, strangers, and other animals
Pugs are very gentle, allowing them to adapt quickly to the presence of strangers. This dog is very happy and will bring a lot of joy to the family that adopts it. Intelligent and playful, they also get along well with other animals, children, and the elderly. With very young children, some care is needed: as the pug’s eyes and tail are sensitive, pulls or touches can irritate or hurt them.
Do pugs bark frequently?
No! Pugs have a typical bark that resembles a grumble with grunts among them. They bark louder and longer only when communicating with people.
Are pugs destructive?
They can be. The breed standard is for behavior to be stable, but puppies are energetic. Usually, they “calm down” around two years old, but in some cases, this does not happen, and the pug continues to have a lively personality throughout life. That said, slippers, pillows, furniture, hands, and clothes are potential victims. Pugs are gluttons and may consider food like coins, slippers, stones, toilet paper, the contents of the trash can, and anything else their imagination allows. To avoid mishaps, try to keep them busy and train them from a young age.
Are pugs restless?
It depends. Puppies of this breed are very willing and need interaction and stimulation. Over time, they will become more relaxed and prefer to stay contained, like all companion dogs. Daily activity is highly recommended: they love walks and play.
If you are thinking of adopting a pug, be aware that the breed has some particularities that should be considered. Know the main ones:
– Indoors: it is the ideal place for a pug since the breed does not react well to sudden changes in temperature or extreme heat or cold.
– Dedication: a pug requires love and willingness from its owner. They insist on your company and a lot of cuddling!
– Noise: due to the shape of its snout, flatter and causing difficulty breathing, snoring is typical in pugs.
– Baths: as the coat is short and spaced, a very high frequency of bathing is not necessary. Avoid excessive baths and shampoo, which can cause dermatitis (skin irritations).
As the pug’s coat is short, there is no need for trimming. On the other hand, pugs shed a lot, requiring weekly brushing.
The nails of this breed are strong and grow fast. If you do not have experience and the proper tool to keep them trimmed, it is important to learn how to cut the dog’s nails or leave the task to qualified professionals.
Keep them clean with saline solution and dry the area afterward, so that the liquid does not run into the folds. Eye injuries are common. So, pay attention if he scratches the area a lot.
They must always be clean and dry, preventing moisture or the accumulation of dirt from causing infections and dermatitis.
Pug’s flat snout
The pug is part of the group of dogs with a flat snout (brachycephalic syndrome), like the French Bulldog, English Bulldog, Shih Tzu, and others. This hinders breathing and makes it more sensitive to intense heat, cold, and humidity. For the same reason, he cannot do very intense physical exercises (such as vigorous runs).
Pug’s wrinkles
Those cute little wrinkles on the pug’s face make it easier for dermatitis (skin irritations and allergies) to occur. This is a common problem in this breed, which can also appear in other parts of the body. Therefore, keep the wrinkles clean with saline solution and always dry them well to prevent infections and bad smells.
Pug’s eyes
The protruding (bulging) eyes, being more exposed, are susceptible to the onset of keratoconjunctivitis, or “dry eye